7 Ways to Deal with Your Emotional Stages Before Moving Abroad
One of the least discussed aspects of the move abroad is this one: our emotions. We experience them, for sure, but we tend to say: so many people have gone through this and they were fine, I’m just overreacting and… I’ll get over this.
Yes, I too trust you will, but the fastest, easiest and most effective way to get through your emotional roller-coaster (that’s how I like to call it) is to:
- Know what the emotional stages are and that what you are feeling is normal and healthy
- Know what to do in each of the stages in order to address what is bothering you and feel better
Hurrah! That doesn’t even sound that impossible, does it?
For a description of the 7 emotional stages before the move, watch this short video here.
So, do you want to know what are 7 ways in which to deal with your 7 emotional stages? (“Yeees!”) Well, then here’s a powerful strategy for each:
#1: The Excitement and Hope Stage
“This is the best decision ever!”, you are excited.
This is a wonderful state to be in. Use your energy to write a letter to yourself about why you want to move abroad. Be enthusiastic and positive in your letter, because you will need to read it when things get tough.
#2: The Organization and Contentment Stage
“This is going pretty well!”, you are calm and content.
Take as much time as you need in this stage and “milk” it. Do your thorough research as you can regarding the place you are moving to, because, as we say at Smoovster, information is power. This will help you reduce…
#3: The Overwhelm Stage
“Ohhh, this is too much, too hard, too stressful”, you tell yourself.
Now that the move date is set and the reality of it all sinks in. This is where the Smoovster templates come in handy. Under our “Free” tab you will find a “Step-by-step Plan with Checklists”. Remember, the big leap is built out of small, smart and purposeful steps. You’re doing amazing!
#4 The Panic & Fear Stage
“Oh my God, what if this goes sideways?”.
Do not worry, this stage is as normal as all the others. We all go through it. Continue to do your due diligence, complete your research, do the exercises, check off the checklist items and follow the steps outlined in the Smoovster Master Guides.
#5 The Second Thoughts Stage
“Is this really what I want?”, you ask yourself.
Once you start doubting your decision, it’s time to read the letter to yourself. See, I told you it will come in handy! It will lift you up and remind you why you are doing this in the first place.
#6 The Personal Power Stage
“I can do this, yeah!”, you feel strong and confident again.
Once things start falling into place with your plans, continuously remind yourself of and celebrate the successes you have along the way. This will ensure that you hold on to this powerful state long-term. Great work so far!
#7 The Farewell Blues Stage
“I’ll miss everything so much!”, you realize.
This is the time to commit to keeping in contact with people from your home country. You might not know it, but they represent enormous emotional support especially for the first months after the move. Also, make sure you say farewell properly…
Still feeling unsure? We have gathered all the best tips and advice on how to deal with the emotional stages before, as well as after the move from the many immigrants we’ve interviewed, in the third Smoovster Master Guide, Moving Abroad: The Mental & Emotional. This Master Guide is essentials for your successful move abroad and… it’s at the price of a latte. Get it here.
Congratulations for preparing so thoroughly on the move. You’re doing amazing! And we’ve got your back!