How Do I Choose Between 2 Cities When Moving Abroad

You want to move abroad, but there are at least 2 options that are really viable? You ask yourself: What to do? How to choose? Where do I move?

Well, there's a mathematical and an intuitive approach. Don't get scared, they're both straight forward, I promise.

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Also, you'll find a free template for all of the below Steps #1 to #5, to make it easier for you to make your choice. Find it here.

OK, let's randomly say you have to choose between Seattle and Portland. It can be any cities.


Identify your most important criteria for the city you want to move to. For example: good job opportunities, good weather, whether you're able to speak the language, if you have family or friends there, whatever YOU decide is important to you. Done? Let’s move on.

Step #2: 

Choose between 3 and 6 out of these. The ones that are the most relevant to you and you want to base your decision upon.

Step #3

Give each of the criteria you've chose a weight, meaning a percentage, based on it's importance: For example: job opportunities 40%, housing prices 30%, weather 25% and good food 5%. Very important: The percentages need to add up to 100%.

Step #4:

Now here's where we make the difference between the 2. Rate each of the cities for each of your criteria, on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 meaning “not meeting my criteria at all”, 10 meaning "fully meeting my criteria. I encourage you to do your research on this, but it's worth it, so you choose the best option.

Step #5:

Multiply each percentage by the corresponding rate and add the results, for each city. Don't worry, We have a free template for you here, to help you out here. You’ll find both the instructions and the free calculation sheet.

Well? What did you find? Which city has the highest score?

According to this mathematical approach, City #2 has a higher score than City #1. Like it? I find this tool amazing, that’s why I share it with you. Thanks, my dear math teacher!

But there’s also something else… 

Although the above is a logical approach, always listen to your gut feeling, to the wonderful inner guide, your intuition.

Whether you add gut feeling as a criterion in your calculation or not, it is important to ask yourself what your intuition tells you when you think of moving to that specific place.

When you say “I am moving to Seattle” (for example) …

  • Is it a light or a heavy feeling?
  • Is your breath deep or shallow?
  • Does your body relax or tighten?

What about when you say, “I am moving to Portland”? How does that feel in your body and breath?

Important last tip

Remember to NEVER to make a decision when you are angry, disappointed, sad or frustrated. Always make decision from a place of calmness and balance. Those are the best decisions for you!

Find the detailed instructions and free calculation sheet here. Do it now, later you’ll forget. Let me know what you got and where you’re moving to. 

Can’t wait to hear!

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